Technology News:The First SmartWatch Helps To Detect the Stress,Epileptic Seizures,Sleep and Activity

Embrace smart watch will release in this is different from apple,Samsung and can spot the warning sign of Epileptic seizure.

It was developed by a team led by Rosalind at the (MIC) Massachusetts Institute of Technology,trough a spin-off company called Empatica.

The Embrace smartwatch  measures the skin electrical as proxy for changee deep in our brain,and uses a model built on years of clinical data to tell which changesportend a seizure.

it also take all the usual temperature and motion data that smart watches collect,allowing to measure physical activity & sleep quality.  Empatica had launched a crowd funding campaign on indiegogo on Tuesday & has already raised more than $120,000. Backers who $169 will receive an Embrace watch.
