Technology News: Facebook-Hottest Topics in 2014

Facebook-Hottest Topics in 2014  

Popular social media Facebook has released statastics revolving around
conversions,trending topics,location checking for 2014,as the year comes to close
Globally,the most discussed topics on facebook in 2014
was the 1) FIFA world cup
        2) Ebola
        3) Brazil elections
        4) Robin Williams
        5)  The ALS Ice Bucket challenge
        6) Gaza conflict
        7) Malaysia Airlines
        8) Super Bowl
        9) Michael Bron/Forguson
       10) Sochi Winter Olympics
and coming to India the most talked news in India is
        1)General Election
        2)Indian Premier league
        3FIFA world cup
        4)Mars Orbiter Mission
        5)Kashmir Floods
        6)Xiaomi entering the india
        7)Alia Bhatt
        8)Mary Kom Biopic
        9)Malaysia Airlines
       10)Conflict in Gaza.
