Blogger Tricks To Disable Right Click On Your Blog or Website

 Disable Right Click On Your Blog

In this article, I show a trick to prevent from other malicious blogger from copying the content or data from your blog.But you might have written an article with great knowledge and efforts and other just copy and paste your article from your blog. To prevent such type of users fro copying content from your blog, We will show an Amazing trick to disable right click on your blog or website

Step 1:
  Go to blogger Dashboard And Go to Layout
Step 2:
Now You Go To Add Gadget and Select Html/Javascript
Step 3:
Now Paste the Below Code

<!--CTH Code-->
<script language='JavaScript1,2'>
function disableselect(e)
return false
function reEnable()
return true
document.onselectstart=new Function("return false")
if (windows.sidebar)
<!-- Code Ends>                                    

Step 4:
Save it its over. now you check on your blog. You can find that the Right button will not appear on your blog or website
