How to Make Phone Numbers Callable in Google Sheets

Callable means when you click on any mobile number in sheet then it automatically dialing of the specific Mobile Number like when you click email link  on webpage, it automatically opens the mail program. But one problem is "the website should open in Mobile device only, And it is recommended  ".
How to Make Phone Numbers Callable in Google Sheets.
and How to add the clickable mobile number protocol in your webpage.

tel is the protocol .it is used to auto dialing the number from webpage.
the syntax for the Callable telephone link uses the Anchor tag


Make Phone Numbers Callable in Google Sheets

So the above Image show the uses of the TEL protocol. Here we can see the Telephone Link link and User link when . The user click on the mobile number then it automatically opens the dialing the specific Mobile Number.

Google sheets phone number format and How to type in google sheet

it is very easy to type the mobile number in google sheet. And Mostly all mobile numbers are made with the preceded by plus(+) symbol. So Google Sheet   assumes it is a Mathematical Formula. To avoid this problem you simply precede it with (=) equal sign or double quotes or very simple method precede it with single quote

   + 1 245-655-7777                     google sheet  confuse this number 
 ="+ 1 245-655-7777"                  the phone number format will be preserved in cell
  '+ 1 245-655-7777                      single quete ,the mobile number is displayed

so the google sheet will uses the equal/double quote/ single quote to preserve the phone number formating.

How to Make Phone Numbers Callable in Google Sheets

How to Make Phone Numbers Callable in Google Sheets . it is very easy till now we studies about hyperlink method with a TEL protocol But the google sheet don't  support the formula like =HYPERLINK("TEL:+1 245-655-7777", CALL ME). but the google sheet allow only mailto hyperlink.

 How to Make Phone Numbers Callable in Google Sheets

Just create regular link in the cell as show above. when the user click on the link then it redirects to telephone link.the the google sheet will turn into clickable telephone link.
 if you want same phone number in other cell just simply add the formula cell B1 to other cell after it will generates the link(telephone link to that particular cell)..
